On August 28, visitors to our district and building websites will notice some cosmetic and design changes, but these updates should not affect any of our on-line content. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Visit M-U Reopening Information for plan updates and access to the Face Covering Waiver form. Documented medical information from a family physician will be required for students to receive the waiver. Please direct waiver questions to our FAQ. https://tinyurl.com/y6qm2kem
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
MUEVS District Logo
Please follow the link for an update and reminder regarding the completion of on-line forms for returning students and opportunities for in-person tech support for those interested next week. https://www.muschools.com/article/289706 Thank you for your attention to this!
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
M-U Red Athletic Logo
We no longer are accepting requests for Schools PLP, Milton-Union's fully online learning option for 2020-21. For families already signed-up, no additional steps are needed now. A virtual orientation is scheduled for the evening of September 2. More details to follow. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Watch for a letter or e-mail with a "snap code" and instructions to electronically update your CURRENT student's contact and medical information, annual notices, etc. This process will replace yearly paper forms. https://tinyurl.com/y56pfcus
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Milton-Union Athletic Logo
Keep an eye on the following link for information about the Milton-Union Cafeteria and Food Service Operation. Monthly menus will be available along with other helpful hints and useful information regarding wellness and nutrition. Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/y2o8ypkx
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Produce Image
To enroll a NEW student in the Milton-Union Schools for the 2020-21 school year, please visit the following link to create an account and begin the on-line enrollment process. Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/y2h4evj2
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Enrollment Image
In-person AND remote instruction begins Tuesday, September 8. Be ready! If you have not already done so, please charge and start your district-provided tech. Follow the link to review troubleshooting strategies and schedule support calls. Thank you! https://tinyurl.com/y2ft8mhj
over 4 years ago, Milton-Union Schools
Tech Department Support