The dental clinic has been here the entire week and will continue to see students on Monday next week. They will also be adding a date the following week to finish up any students that were unable to be seen.
Wednesday, we will have a 2-Hour late arrival for students. Staff will be here engaging in professional learning and student data analysis. We will open for parent drop off at 10:40 and school will begin at 10:55. A reminder to parents that breakfast is NOT served on 2-Hour late arrival days, so please make sure your child has a chance to eat something before they come to school on Wednesday.
Our positive behavior system is up and running and the Bark Mart (the rewards store where students can spend their points) is also ready to go. Students receive a point every day they are at school and on time and earn points throughout the day for demonstrating Awesome D.O.G.S. behavior that includes: Doing their best, being an Outstanding citizen, making Good choices and being Safe. The first letter of each of those spells DOGS. Using that acronym helps our students remember each of the focus areas as well. We will be sharing more information with families about our rewards program in the near future.