Please remember Wednesday, October 11, 2023, is a TWO-HOUR LATE ARRIVAL for students so that teachers and staff members may attend professional development and meetings. Follow the link to view the 2023-24 district calendar.
over 1 year ago, Milton-Union Schools
Bulldog Logo
Join us monthly at the elementary for our Family Education Talks. They will be offered at 9:00am and 6:00pm monthly on varying topics. Additional information about the talks are included in the link to the informational flyer:
over 1 year ago, Principal Henderson
Parent engagement
over 1 year ago, Principal Henderson
free school supplies
Milton-Union staff continue learning at the Ohio Literacy Academy today.
over 1 year ago, Principal Henderson
mu teachers
Please share! Kindergarten registration for the 23-24 school year is available online now through May 19th. Register as soon as possible to receive an email to set up your student's screening appointment. Follow the link for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
kindergarten registration
Kindergarten Roundup for incoming kindergarten students next year will be held on March 22, 2023. Any child who will be 5 on or before August 1, 2023 are eligible to attend. Please see the attached flyer for additional information.
almost 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Just a reminder to our families that there is no school for students tomorrow. It is Teacher Work Day and Professional Learning time for our staff.
about 2 years ago, Loretta Henderson
Today was reward day for students who earned top rewards in our fall fundraiser!
about 2 years ago, Loretta Henderson
building our own stuffies
riding in the limo
playing Video Games
bounce house
Congratulations to Elli Kowal. She is the winner of the 2022 Recycled Ornament Contest sponsored by the Miami County Recycling Center.
about 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Elli and award
It’s time for our Scholastic Book Fair! Wednesday, November 9 – Thursday, November 17, 2022 Open daily during regular school hours - *all students, grades k-8, will have the opportunity to shop during their weekly, scheduled library time*. Also open till 7:30 pm on Thursday, November 10 and 17 during elementary parent-teacher conferences. Every dollar spent goes toward supporting our school library! IN PERSON: Cash, check, debit/credit cards accepted. Don’t forget about eWallets! Go to to set up or replenish your accounts! New this year: Due to changes in Ohio sales laws, all book fair purchases will now be charged sales tax. Please keep that in mind when sending money in with your student. For example, $10.00 will no longer be enough to purchase a $9.99 item. The total will now be $10.69. Shop ONLINE: You can shop online from the convenience of home by going to - Choose Milton-Union Elementary School or Milton-Union Middle School so that we get credit for your purchases! Every dollar spent online benefits our school fair, too! You can support an eWallet for M-U to use at Milton-Union Schools. This will enable M-U to purchase books at the fair and foster a lifelong love of reading! You can contribute to the eWallet here:
over 2 years ago, Megan Stemley
Book Fair Photo
A big "Thank You!" to Vital Dance Crew from New York City for bringing our students a message of positivity, kindness and respect to ourselves and others.
over 2 years ago, Loretta Henderson
kids having fun
vital dance crew
vital dance crew
Good evening Bulldog Elementary Families. Today your child should have brought home an envelope with information about the elementary fundraiser. Our students are selling products made right here in Ohio! Crossroads Candles, and home fragrance items and Coopers’ Mill jams and jellies, sauces, and fudge. Information about the fundraiser, prizes and how to register your child’s account for online purchases are on the large envelope. Please do not throw the envelope away. Any cash, checks and the order form will need to be returned in that envelope. Checks must be made out to “Best Results”, not the school. Our fundraiser ends September 21st with order forms, cash and checks being turned in on the 22nd. Delivery of items will be on November 16th from 4-6pm. We are raising money for field trips, student assemblies and additional playground equipment. We appreciate your help! Please contact the elementary office if you have questions.
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
support our school
Good evening Elementary Bulldog Families. Tomorrow night is our first home football game against Oakwood. To show support for our team we are asking our staff and students to wear black to school tomorrow.
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Weekly Update 8/26/22
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Correction to the elementary notification re. payment of student fees and lunch costs via EZPay: EZPay is no longer offering their service for free. Each time you use the service there will be a transaction charge. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Good evening Bulldog Families! Beginning the 2022-2023 school year, students will be charged for breakfast and lunch. Students may purchase breakfast for $1.50. Reduced price $0.30. Breakfast will be served 8:30-8:55 am for grades K-5. Lunches will cost $3.00, reduced price $0.40. Extra milk will be $0.65. If you wish to apply for free or reduced lunch prices for your child's meals, follow this link:
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Hello Elementary Bulldog Families! You should have received homeroom teacher and Open House info today via the email you registered your child with. We have had several emails returned as undeliverable. Mrs. Lightner is in the process of calling those parents. Please make sure you update your email with her when she calls.
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
This year's Sales Tax Holiday in Ohio is August 5th-7th. It's a great opportunity to save a little money on your back-to-school shopping. This link will take you to the 22-23 ES Supply Lists: When shopping for clothes and shoes be aware of our school's dress code policy found in our handbook on the MUES website.
over 2 years ago, Principal Henderson
Shopping bags
Please follow the link for updated Elementary School school supply lists for the 22-23 school year.
over 2 years ago, Megan Stemley
School supplies
Third-grade students learned lessons in economics today through creating, advertising, and selling handmade products to their fellow classmates and M-U staff!
over 2 years ago, Megan Stemley
Economics Students
Economics Students
Economics Students
Economics Students